The web is constantly evolving. To ensure that your website or online shop remains successful in the long term and that you have your head and hands free for your core business, we will continue to provide you with maintenance and support.

Concentrate on your business!

Backup and update service, debugging, server and traffic monitoring for permanent first-class security, availability and performance.

An individual service agreement ensures you a fixed contact person,  and fast support via telephone, e-mail, real-time chat, remote transmission or on-site.

What We Do

Maintenance & Support for your business online

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Site Maintenance

Web standards and best practices change regularly. We keep your site optimized and compliant so you get rewarded by search engines and continue offering visitors a smooth experience. Maintenance applies to the digital realm as much as it does to vehicles.

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Hosting & Monitoring

A stable hosting platform that monitors uptime and catches potential network issues can virtually eliminate site crashes and warn you about abnormal activity. If you need a new host provided for your site, we’ll set one up on a secure platform that’s easy to manage.


Backup & Recovery

A big part of protecting your data is simply backing it up. We help you find the best backup solution so you avoid losing valuable data that belongs to you or your customers. Knowing you can immediately recover anything that is corrupted or deleted is liberating.


Updates & Changes

A content management system allows you to make many site updates on your own but we’re here when you need new functionality added or significant design changes. A website is a growing, evolving entity and incremental changes go along way toward keeping it fresh.

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We appreciate your interest in us! Every great relationship starts with a conversation. Creating future-proof digital experiences is what we do. Tell us about your needs, we’d love to collaborate with you.

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